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President Buhari Gives Reasons to State Governors on Re-Opening of Borders

President Muhammadu Buhari, , today, Tuesday 8 December 2020 held a meeting with the Governors Forum at the State House Abuja.

In the meeting with State Governors, Buhari explained that the closure of Nigeria’s land borders was partly an attempt to control the smuggling in of weapons & drugs and that the message has already sunk in with countries bordering Nigeria, says the Federal Government is looking into reopening the borders as soon as possible.

The President stressed the need for intelligence-gathering which he said is very critical to ensuring lasting security in Nigeria. He urged all everyone that they have a role to play, “in addition to the security agencies: Governors, traditional rulers, community leaders, citizens. We must all work to boost intelligence-gathering.” President Buhari said.

“We are investing heavily in weapons and equipment for our military. They have already received armoured cars and other equipment, and aircraft, and more will come in. We will continue to give them all the support they need to fight criminals. We must and will secure Nigeria.” He added.

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